so I have been reading 1 corinthians ch. 13. during my quiet times It speaks on love, it is a chapter very well known throughout the church and we know how love it patient, love is kind, it does not boast... so on and so forth however what we fail to realize is prior to speaking about the acts that are love it tells us just how much anything else is meaningless without it. If i speak with the tongues of man but have not love i am but a resounding gong... so what is love? Love, love is found in Christ alone. So when you take out love and insert God it fits perfectly, and if you take out love and insert your name does it match up still...? Is Caroline patient? is Caroline Kind? Do I not delight in evil, but rejoice in truth?... No Therefore I lack love. So how is it that we throw around a word with so much meaning on any and everything... ie I love you, I love my car, I love my house...? We take a word with so much meaning that really is so powerful and mix it with mud, taint what it's true meaning is. We should really be careful when to use this word and when we think about those that we "love," let us reflect on our actions toward them are we not easily angered toward them... or do we self seek? I am not perfect and I recognize this and you may think well Caroline do not condemn yourself it's okay to not be perfect, but here is the great part... verse 11 when perfection comes the imperfect disappears. WOW What revelation when perfection comes!! the imperfection disappears!!! So who is perfection? CHRIST is perfection so when CHRIST comes, when Christ comes into my life, my imperfection disappears because it no longer matters that I am imperfect because he now dwells in me he lives within. Therefore this fleshly Caroline that is self seeking no longer is going on her own strength but it is Christ living in her it is Christ giving her patients, it is Christ giving her kindness toward others. No longer am I battling it out on my own, but Christ in me.! Praise the Lamb. I honestly want to love like nobodies business, my enemies, my family, my king. My everything. I want to love the unlovable. We love because he first loved us.
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